
Horoscopes – October 2009


Aries: Are you still angry? You need to work on your cud chewing and abs; no-one likes a fatty. Channel that rage into something constructive babes!

Leo: Watch your mouth Leo it seems to be running ahead of your brain these days. You always look before you leap but next time how about thinking too eh?

Sagittarius: Christmas comes but once a year, pickle, and really if you need an excuse to treat yourself this week that knowledge should be enough impetus. Go crazy, go for cashmere!

Taurus: If something’s been bothering you Taurus, now is the time to get it off your ample chest. It’s always better out than in, unless it’s a massive fart in a crowded lift.

Virgo: Remember how you said it was possible to forgive and forget? How about taking that mantra to your own heart and giving the rest of world another chance. Do you really want to die alone with cats?

Capricorn: After a week of restraint like yours now is the time to party hearty. Eat cake, daub lipstick on your collar, and generally kick up your heels like a good time gal.

Gemini: Keep feeling fascination, looking, learning, moving on.

Libra: Remember life is about retaining equilibrium Librans, and for every good deed you do you should expect one to be returned. If this does not happen you have the right to fight.

Aquarius: Something fishy is going down and it’s in your ever inquisitive nature to get to the bottom of the matter. Remember however before you delve too deep that curiosity did indeed kill the cat, which could kill you. It’s the circle of life!

Cancer: It’s all well and good to reach for the stars and grab the glory for yourself my crabby friend, but just remember those little people that you are trampling underfoot may not be so insignificant later in life.

Scorpio: You have to spend a penny to make a pound and an investment that may seem hefty at the moment will pay you dividends in the long run. The letter C brings good fortune and silky dreams…

Pisces: Ah Pisces, you are always the last in this list, and our boundless creativity finds it’s limits after all. I’d recommend a Chicago Town pizza, much better than Pizza Hut and Dominos according to the adverts. Don’t say we never do anything for you!

Until next month, bisouxxx…
